ASX CDI Information

ASX CDI Information

MMG shares will be listed on the Australian Securities Exchange through Chess Depository Instruments (CDIs) under the stock code ‘MMG’ from 14 December 2015.

Frequently Asked Questions

Converting your shares into MMG CHESS Depositary Interests (CDIs) – Hong Kong to Australia

If you hold a share certificate this will need to be delivered to our Registrar in Hong Kong, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited (“Computershare HK”), accompanied by a CDI Issuance form which can be obtained here.

If your MMG shares are held with a broker or custodian, you will need to:

1. Instruct your broker or custodian to initiate the withdrawal of your shares from the Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS) in Hong Kong, arranging their re-registration; and

2. Complete a CDI Issuance form which can be obtained here, and return this form to Computershare HK accompanied by your share certificate.

Alternatively, if your broker or custodian uses Computershare’s online cross-border instruction portal xSettle, then they can provide the CDI issuance instruction directly to Computershare HK on your behalf.

Once Computershare HK receives both the share certificate and instruction to issue the CDIs then:

  • Your shares will be removed from Hong Kong to MMG’s Australian branch share register.
  • At which point they are transferred to CHESS Depositary Nominees (CDN *), with CDIs then issued to you.

*CDN is the depositary nominee, appointed by MMG, who holds legal title the shares on behalf of the CDI holders.

If you or your custodian or broker has any questions regarding the conversion process you can contact Computershare HK at:

Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
17M Floor, Hopewell Centre
183 Queen’s Road East
Hong Kong

If I already own HK listed shares can I move them onto the ASX?

Yes. Holders of MMG shares trading on the HKEx are able to convert their shares to MMG CDIs (and vice versa). The conversion usually takes 2 – 6 business days.

Enquiries: 2862 8555 (within Hong Kong) / +852 2862 8555 (outside Hong Kong)
Facsimile: +852 2865 0990

What is the timeframe to issue CDIs and do charges apply?

Once you have provided your CDI Issuance form and certificate or your broker or custodian has withdrawn your shares from CCASS, the conversion process to issue the CDIs can take between 2 – 6 business days.  Charges apply to this process, which can be viewed here.

Do I receive a CDI statement?

Yes, a holding statement is issued each time there is a movement of securities in your CDI holding.

  • CDI holders who are issuer sponsored will receive a holding statement from MMG’s CDI Registrar, Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited (“Computershare Australia”).
  • CDI holders who are sponsored by participants in CHESS will receive a holding statement from ASX Settlement.

Cancelling your CDIs and releasing the underlying MMG shares – Australia to Hong Kong

If you wish to have your securities returned to the share register in Hong Kong you can request to have your CDIs cancelled and the underlying shares release to you.

  • If your CDIs are held on the issuer sponsored subregister you will need to complete a CDI Cancellation form which can be obtained here.
  • If your CDIs are held on the CHESS subregister, you will need to contact your broker or custodian to deliver them to Computershare for cancellation. 
  • The delivery of CDIs, by your broker or custodian, will need to be accompanied by a CDI Cancellation form which be obtained here or an xSettle instruction if your broker or custodian uses Computershare’s online cross-border portal.

Computershare Australia will then arrange the transfer of the shares from CDN to you, and the shares will then be removed to the Hong Kong share register. A share certificate will be issued by Computershare HK and be sent to you. If your Australian broker or custodian is an xSettle user they can provide CCASS deposit information during the conversion process.

If you or your broker or custodian has any questions regarding the conversion process you can contact Computershare Australia’s Global Transaction team at:

Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
Global Transactions Team
PO Box 103 Abbotsford
Victoria 3067 Australia

Enquiries: 1300 731 056 (within Australia) / +61 3 9415 5361 (outside Australia)
Facsimile: +61 3 9473 2442

For CDI and share conversion issues:

Enquiries: 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
+61 3 9415 4000 (outside Australia, 8:30am–5pm Mon–Fri)

What is the timeframe to cancel your CDIs and do charges apply?

Once Computershare Australia’s Global Transaction team is in receipt of both the CDI cancellation instruction and the CDIs, then the conversion can take between 2 – 6 business days. Charges apply to this process, which can be viewed here.
