The mine was acquired by MMG in 2012 and has been in operation since 2007. A leasehold agreement is in place with Gécamines.
With a mine life of three plus years, the operation produces copper cathode through conventional mining methods.
The copper is extracted from an open pit, with ground conditions allowing most areas to be mined without blasting. Following plant and grinding mill processing, acid-leaching, solvent extraction and electrowinning is used to plate the copper.
Through a focus on operational excellence, Kinsevere continues to deliver production capacity of 63,000 and 69,000 tonnes of copper cathode per annum.
More information can be found in Kinsevere’s Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves report and in Quarterly Production Reports.
More than half of Kinsevere’s senior management are Congolese and nearly all the 800 full time positions are filled by local DRC people. Kinsevere also creates over 3,000 jobs for contractors and communities at peak, further boosting local job opportunities.
Related documents
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- 20240923_Launch of call of tenders for Construction and equipment of community projects
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- 20240910_Launch of call of tenders for TSF4 bush clearing at MMG Kinsevere
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Community Engagement
Kinsevere continues to develop positive relationships, bringing community development programs and sustainable improvements to the lives of people in villages surrounding the mine. To date, Kinsevere’s long term community investment totals nearly US$20 million.
On 6 June 2021, Kinsevere signed the ‘Cahier de Charge’ with the local community, sponsoring a series of social development programs, pledging US$6 million to assist local villages for the next five years.
Kinsevere’s community consultation approach aligns with regional priorities and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Current initiatives are focused on:
• Supporting agricultural development and increasing food security;
• Achieving measurable improvements in health and education; and
• Establishing self-sustaining local businesses and improving public infrastructure.

Lubumbashi Office
7409 Avenue de la Révolution
Lubumbashi, Katanga
Phone: +243 817 108 143
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