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First Shipment from Dugald River

MMG Limited (MMG) has today announced that the first shipment of approximately 10,500 wet metric tonnes of zinc concentrate produced as part of commissioning activities at the Dugald River Project departed the Port of Townsville in Australia for Huangpu, China on 16 December 2017 (Australian time).

Pierre Malan, General Manager Dugald River Project Delivery said, “The first shipment of concentrate from the Port of Townsville is another significant milestone in the delivery of Dugald River, MMG’s first greenfield project.”

“I would like to recognise the significant contribution of Dugald River employees and contract partners in achieving this key milestone. This first shipment is an achievement not only for MMG, but for all that championed the Dugald River project throughout its development,” said Mr Malan.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said the first shipment out of the Port of Townsville was a major milestone for the mine.

“The MMG Dugald River mine has already been a great shot in the arm for our city’s economy as Townsville is a hub for the mine,” Cr Hill said.

“Importantly, what is exported from the mine goes through the Port of Townsville, creating even more jobs for our city,” said Cr Hill.

Located approximately 65km north-west of Cloncurry in Queensland, Australia, Dugald River will process an average 1.7 million tonnes per annum of ore to initially produce 170,000 tonnes of zinc in concentrate, plus by-products. When fully operational, the Dugald River mine will be a top-10 global zinc mine.

