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Souridahak Sakonhninhom
Communications Superintendent
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E souridahak.sakonhninhom@mmg.com
On 18 April 2016, MMG LXML Sepon (LXML) donated a new ambulance, water supply and latrine block to Vilabouly Hospital near Sepon mine, improving health services for 37,000 people.
Vilabouly is located in a remote mountainous area in Savannakhet Province in Southern Laos. The new ambulance, valued at US$40,000, will improve the regional hospital’s capacity to respond to emergencies and help save lives in rural communities.
The water supply which will improve facilities at the hospital, was built in cooperation with Lao contract partner, Hommala Community Development, and Boart Longyear.
The donation was witnessed by Vilabouly District Governor Mr Bouasone Mahavong, MMG CEO Mr Andrew Michelmore, and MMG LXML General Manager Mr Suresh Vadnagra.
“I am very grateful for LXML’s attention to the hospital as it will save lives in our community,” said Mr Bouasone Mahavong, Vilabouly District Governor. “We can now access remote villages so emergency patients can visit the hospital and travel to receive appropriate health care.”
“This donation demonstrates MMG’s commitment to creating wealth for its people and for its host communities,” said Mr Andrew Michelmore, MMG CEO. “Most LXML employees live in Vilabouly, and this investment reinforces our commitment to progress and sustainable development in local communities. LXML is working in close partnership with the Lao Government to support its goal of graduating from least developed country (LDC) status by 2020,” he said.
LXML has supported Vilabouly District Hospital since Sepon mine commenced operations in 2002, including building a new ward and providing medical equipment. LXML also donated an ambulance, incubators, and anaesthesia apparatus to Savannakhet Hospital in 2014 and 2015.
LXML has invested in schools, roads, agricultural projects, and access to clean water in consultation with 46 villages, benefitting more than 14,000 people and creating a lasting legacy of development in the region. LXML supports 26 local businesses in Vilabouly, which collectively earned over US$18 million since 2002. In February 2015, Vilabouly District graduated into a ‘developed district,’ acknowledging the significant contribution to social and economic development in the region.
MMG is extending an important US$3 million partnership with the Lao Ministry of Health, Lao Women’s Union, and UNICEF, to support maternal and child health and assist families in several provinces, including Savannakhet, through the ‘1000 Day Project.’

Governor of Vilabouly district Mr Bouasone Mahavong receives ambulance, water supply and latrine block from MMG CEO Mr Andrew Michelmore.