Minmetals Resources Limited (HKSE:1208) (“MMR”) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Anthony Larkin as an independent non-executive director of the Company.
Mr Larkin has been a non-executive director of Incitec Pivot Limited (ASX:IPL) since 2003, chairing the audit and risk committee and a director of Oakton Limited (ASX:OKN) since 2009, chairing the audit and risk committee and being a member of the remuneration and appointments committee.
Mr Larkin was also a director and chairman of the audit and finance committee of OZ Minerals Limited (ASX:OZL) and a director and chairman of the audit and risk committee and member of the remuneration and appointments committee of the former Zinifex Limited (ASX:ZFX). Mr Larkin was also previously a director of Orica Limited, Ausmelt Limited, Corporate Express Australia Limited and Eyecare Partners Limited.
In his roles with OZ Minerals and Zinifex together with his executive experience with BHP, Mr Larkin has gained significant corporate governance experience in major Australian mining and metals companies.
“We are pleased to welcome Mr Larkin to MMR,” said MMR Chairman Mr Wang Lixin.
“His background in the Australian resources and corporate sector will expand the international expertise of the MMR Board.”
Upon his appointment Mr Larkin will also be appointed as Chairman of the Audit Committee and a member of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee.
Mr Larkin was appointed to replace Mr Stephen Ting Leung Huel, who resigned as an independent non-executive director with effect from 30 November 2011. MMR Chairman Mr Wang Lixin and the Board of MMR expressed their gratitude to Mr Ting for his nine years service to the Company.
Photo below.

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