Media Enquiries -
Somsavath Phanthady
Communications Superintendent
MMG LXML SeponT +856 21 268 407
M +856 20 2221 2632
E somsavath.phanthady@mmg.com
Forty two employees from MMG Lane Xang Minerals Limited Sepon (MMG LXML Sepon) graduated from the company’s supervisor development program on 7 November. The program was developed to increase leadership skills for front line Lao supervisors at Sepon mine.
A further forty eight employees are enrolled in the next intake of the popular program, which takes place over fourteen months. It was developed in consultation with an Australian educational institution and is delivered by Lao instructors. The course content and structure have been carefully designed to suit the Lao social and economic context and the circumstances of the employees.
“I found the course very useful, because I gained essential knowledge and skills about being a good leader and working well with others,” said Xaysavath Xayalath, one of several employees promoted to Superintendent after completing the training course.
“These employees are among thousands continuing to benefit from training and development programs at Sepon,” said Mr Rick Watsford, General Manager of MMG LXML Sepon, speaking at the graduation ceremony. “Our objective is to continuously raise skill levels in the Lao workforce to build the next generation of Lao leaders.”
The graduation ceremony took place in Savannakhet on 7 November, as part of an event to mark the 10th anniversary of production at the mine. The Governor of Savannakhet Province, Dr Souphan Keomixay, Head of National Vocational Training, Mr Bounyor Phetsamone, Head of National Vocational Training and Skills Development Office from the Ministry of Education and Sports, and other officials attended the graduation ceremony. Graduates’ family members were also present to celebrate their success and contribution to national development.
In addition, Sepon has also introduced a coaching course to help expatriate technical advisors successfully transfer skills and knowledge to Lao employees.
MMG LXML Sepon has appointed over 200 Lao employees at manager, superintendent or supervisor level and is actively pursuing programs to further boost local career development.

Graduates of MMG LXML Sepon Supervisor Development Program